To demonstrate how people perceive the AI consultant, the machine learning team built a VR-driven web dashboard. People can choose between an AI or human consultant to speak with based on their specific needs. The team also breaks it down by age, gender, and topic. To group users with similar characteristics together, they used the K-means algorithm and DBSCAN algorithm.
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis)
The figure above represents the distribution of different age groups consulting both human and AI consultants. Human consultants vs AI consultants can be compared through the drop-down menu located at the top left corner of this graph. As shown in this figure, individuals are more inclined towards discussing personal matters related to lifestyle choices with human professionals who have emotions like them because such interactions are usually more individualized and comforting.
The Figure above shows types of consulting for AI consultants. Business-related issues rank highest amongst those discussed with machine-based advisors as opposed to their peers that operate manually. Health and technology follow next respectively since these aspects require data-driven decisions which can only be provided by such systems hence ensuring consistency throughout consultations thus improving overall experience.